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Wax Sealing Beads 火漆蜡粒

Product Description:

- Summer IceCream pastel series. Starry-shaped beads.

- Product packed manually, weight and number of beads might be slightly different, but customers will not get lesser beads than stated.

- Zip lock packaging.

- To use for journaling, decorating/sealing envelopes, parcels, postcards, invitations/ greeting cards, create wax seal as ready-used stickers.


- 夏日清新冰淇淋系列.星形蜡粒.

- 人手包装,产品重量或数量或许会有些许差异,但蜡粒数量不会少于选项描述.

- 密封包装.

- 可用于手账,装饰/封印信封,包裹,明信片,邀请函,祝贺卡,或用于制作封印贴纸.